Does it, really?
Okay, I'm going to try not to name names in this post. I'm going to (try) to take an 'aside' stance. Recently, on a buddy's blog, there was, shall we say, some disagreement that has come to a head....some that has been going on for some time now. My buddy isn't the instigator, just another part of an ongoing backlash.Division, actually. Division between a whole bunch of folks who all love Jesus. They all believe in different things, according to the way they have interpreted scripture. The word "heretic" has been bandied about, so you KNOW I love to slip around in that mud puddle.So, here is my question:
Does the Gospel really need defense?
God is able to defend Himself.. now if He chooses to use one of us.. I have no problem with that.. not that everyone who says that they speak for God really does :)
I agree. God is God.
So, how do we tell if someone is really speaking for God? I've been pondering this.
My take is that if you don't 'know' that is of/from God then we should wait until we 'know'.
So much opinion and drivel gets passed off as 'prophetic' or 'God said'.. maybe if you 'have to' say 'God says' then maybe it really is not God.
I have times when I or someone else said something that just left us with a sense of awe.. God spoke but nobody had a clue that He was hanging around with us :)
How's that for a short answer....
When you say GOSPEL, it is immediately open to different interpretations. Then, back into that mudpuddle you like so much. The mud is cool!
This is something that's bothered me for a while -- why do so many belligerent people fee they have to spill so much ink, or electrons, or, if they lived in a different place and time, blood, to "defend the gospel"? Since when did God's truth stand or fall on my efforts? I'm willing to preach about it (when asked to) talk about it (when edifying and helpful), I'm not prepared to fight about it. firstly, I don't imagine thatI-and-my-little-group are the only people who really understand the truth (my God is quite a bit bigger than that)and secondly I'd rather put my energy into trying to be a little bit more obedient to the bits that are crystal clear -- like trying to be a little more loving to the people in my immediate world.Thirdly (if we need a thirdly) I think that sort of fighting edifies no one and is a really negative display to the rest of the world.
Thanks, KB. Great answer.
Don, lol....I knew you'd answer succinctly! I love the heresy mudpuddle. I'm very familiar there.
Lynne, what a great answer. You took the words right out of my mouth. I love to discuss differences and try to learn. I don't like the fight, because then I wonder, who is benefitting from the fight? Certainly not on the side of love.
Whatever divides... destroys. Whatever unites... edifies.
Whatever pushes you away, does what it should. Whatever draws you in, does what it should.
Hi, Bruce, nice to hear from you!
Great answer.
I don't think so, especially if you think the best defense is a good offense. :)
God needs no defense. But we have been called to "give a sound defense". This is seen throughout the NT.
Sadly there is a lot of name calling today. I love theological debate. It forces me to think. But the name calling I can live without. I don't think we have learned the concept of love well enough. If we love people there is no need to slam them.
Thanks, Mike. I agree. The anger and the name-calling needs to stop.
From what?
"They all believe in different things, according to the way they have interpreted scripture. The word "heretic" has been bandied about. . ."
By those who think they are the sole interpreters of scripture.
Hello, Paul.
I keep reading and re-reading this....the picture I think the most scares me, is that what people see in me....I really sincerely hope not....hope you're well and enjoyed your holidays and will have a wonderful Christmas....just wanted you to know I still read you all the time.
I read you, too, Becky. I'm always amazed at your insight--you befuddle me sometimes! That's a good thing.
Sorry about the image, but that was how I saw the folks I referenced in their snarly defense of their interpretation of the scriptures...and their treatment of anyone who disagrees.
NO!!! The Gospel stands on it's own.
Even if that weren't the case though I think the motives of most of those who so vehemently make this claim are far from pure.
As an example look at this post along with your post 'Enough Already'. There are those who would adamantly defend the Gospel against the "heresy" you put forth that men don't rule women. That women aren't supposed to always submit to a man.
Why would they do that? The reason is obvious. They do not want to give up the control over the women in their lives and churches. So they feel a need to defend the Gospel.
In my opinion the whole defending the gospel thing boils down to maintaining our pet doctrines at any cost.
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